
Reiss Motivation Profile®


Order is the basic desire for structure. It motivates people to plan, schedule, and organize. Satisfaction of this desire produces a sense of comfort, whereas frustration produces feelings of discomfort.

People with a STRONG BASIC DESIRE FOR ORDER are organized.  Tidiness and punctuality are very important to them. Typically, they pay attention to details, rules, and schedules, and they may be comfortable with predictable and relatively unchanging situations. They tend to embrace rituals. Personality traits that may describe them include careful, inflexible, methodical, neat, organized, orderly, precise, prepared, punctual, thorough, and tidy.

People with a WEAK BASIC DESIRE FOR ORDER are flexible. They may have a high tolerance for ambiguity. Typically, they dislike structure and hate following rules and schedules. They often change their mind or their plans. They focus on the “big picture” to the extent of perhaps missing key details. Personality traits that may describe them include disorganized, flexible, follows nose, hates planning, keeps options open as long as possible, spontaneous, tardy, and untidy.

Buy Reiss Motivation Profile® Test and Online Analysis



After the purchase you will get access to our online dashboard. There you have to fill out the questionnaire in the first step. After answering the 128 questions, you will receive your evaluated and individual Reiss Motivation Profile® after a few minutes. In your dashboard you will get a detailed and individual evaluation of your personal Reiss Motivation Profile®.

Buy your Reiss Motivation Profile® now

  • Reiss Motivation Profile® Test
  • Access to your dashboard
  • Individual evaluation of your profile and your life motivations
  • Share your profile with family and friends
  • Recommendations that match your life motives

Cost: 98,- Euro

Price incl. VAT in Germany. The offer is currently only available in German language.
