The Reiss Motivation Profile®

The Reiss Motivation Profile® sheds light on the 16 life motives that determine our lives. They are deeply rooted in each of us and provide information about what drives and motivates us at our core.

Who am I? What characterizes my personality? Why am I the way I am? Why do I react like this in certain situations? Why are some things so important to me and others not?

Find out who you are with the Reiss Motivation Profile®

Answer the 128 questions directly in the online questionnaire and then have the result displayed, which 16 life motives play a role for you and towhat extent. An AI avatar supports you in our dashboard to further discover and reflect on your Reiss Motivation Profile®.

  • The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a scientifically based method.
  • Find out who you are and what drives you.
  • Make better decisions based on your intrinsic motivation
  • Get to know yourself better and thereby live your individuality.
  • Achieve and increase fit with other people and your environment.


The scientific foundation of the Reiss Motivation Profile® is the motivation research of the American professor Steven Reiss. Through countless studies with thousands of participants, he identified a total of 16 psychological needs that every person carries within themselves. These needs are subsequently referred to as life motives. Life motives must be satisfied in order for us tofind our lives meaningful. They are predominantly shaped by our genes, but also by our experiences in childhood and early adolescence, and, according to previous findings, remain fairly constant throughout our lives. They thus provide us with a lasting orientation.

But what ultimately makes people happy and satisfied in life?

What is really important to people? Success, wealth, career, family or independence?

In the 1990s, psychologist Prof. Dr. Steven Reiss (Ohio State University, USA) was surprised to discover that his own science had shown little interest in the existential question of "Who am I?" and could hardly offer any answers.

As Steven Reiss found out in years of research with thousands of test subjects, not only one or two motives determine our lives, but 16 basic motive dimensions.

In contrast to many other personality tests, the Reiss Motivation Profile® thus captures the complete motivational, drive and value structure of a person. According to all the findings to date, it can be assumed that the determined motivational characteristics are situation-and time-permanent and do not change extensively in the course of a person's life.

The scientific quality criteria that can be applied to such a procedure, i.e. a so-called psychological test, are excellently fulfilled throughout.

The 16 life motives according to Reiss in the overview

There are two versions in the Reiss Motivation Profile®. The only difference is that „Romance" is not evaluated and described in one version. Instead, „Beauty" is evaluated. In terms of classification, the two life motives are the same, since in the results of the statistical evaluations using a factor analysis, the erotic, sensual aspects could not be separated from those involving the pursuit of beauty, art, design and aesthetics. Thus, although there are 17 descriptions, they relate to only 16 different life motives.

16 life motives according to Reiss

The Reiss Motivation Profile® highlights the 16 life motives that determine our lives. They are deeply rooted in each of us and provide information about what drives and motivates us in our innermost being.

Steven Reiss - The man behind the RMP

Steven Reiss lived in Columbus (Ohio, USA) as a professor emeritus of psychology. His research has been reported in numerous top scientific journals as well as in magazines worldwide.

What is motivation?

Motivation is what explains why people start, continue, or stop a certain behavior at a certain time.

Buy Reiss Motivation Profile® test and Online Analysis


Step 1
Buy Reiss Motivation Profile®


Step 2
Answer scientifically based question


Step 3
Individual evaluation of your profile

After the purchase you will get access to our online dashboard. There you have to fill out the questionnaire in the first step. After answering the 128 questions, you will receive your evaluated and individual Reiss Motivation Profile® after a few minutes. In your dashboard you will get a detailed and individual evaluation of your personal Reiss Motivation Profile®  and our ChatGPT-based RMP Buddy (chatbot) will help you discover and reflect on your life motives.

Buy your Reiss Motivation Profile® now

  • Reiss Motivation Profile® Test (questionnaire available in DE, EN, FR, IT, DK, SV, FI, NO, PT, ES, NL, RU)
  • Access to your dashboard (available in DE, EN)
  • PDF report (available in DE, EN, FR, IT, DK, SV, FI, NO, PT, NL, RU)
  • Individual evaluation of your profile and lifemotives (available in DE, EN)
  • Recommendations that fit your life motives (available in DE, EN)
  • Share profile with family and friends

Cost: 98,-Euro



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