But the real hurdles usually lie somewhere else entirely -namely in the composition of the project team, consisting of very competent and thoroughly committed people who always have their personalities and histories in tow. Because projects are not infrequently time-critical, desperate appeals are made to objectivity -especially in conflict situations -while deadlines are dangerously approaching and the project team is stuck in numerous discussion and frustration loops. The challenge of a project team to be able to work with others quickly, flexibly and appreciatively can only be met if level-headed project managers are aware of the importance of the personalities of the individual team members. Accordingly, they must provide useful communication channels so that team members can learn to listen to each other, appreciate difference, and ultimately contribute usefully to a challenging team dynamic.
So the success of projects depends largely on people.
It is not enough to professionalize a project process with tools and methods. It needs the focus on people.
People are motivated by individual life motivesthat determine their thoughts, actions and feelings. This is precisely what ensures that not only is every person individual, but also that every project progresses individually depending on the people involved -what has succeeded in one project cannot be transferred so easily to another.
Those who make the individual potentials of their employees visible and know how to use them, i.e. apply them in the rightplaces, will be able to bring projects to success better, faster and more sustainably. The Reiss Motivation Profile®enables exactly that. It can even be seen as a kind of risk management, with which hurdles and difficulties in dealing with oneself and others can be minimized. And it makes it possible to take a look in the mirror -especially when selecting suitable project managers and executives, to see who as a people manager is taking the easy way out.
Recognizing and understanding your own personality with the Reiss Motivation Profile® online
The Reiss Motivation Profile®sheds light on the 16 life motivesthat determine our lives. They are deeply rooted in each of us and provide information about what drives and motivates us at our core.
- Who am I?
- What distinguishes my personality?
- Why am I the way I am?
- Why do I react like this in certain situations?
- Why are some things so important to me and others not?
Find out who you are - with the Reiss Motivation Profile®.
Buy the Reiss Motivation Profile® and answer the 128 questions directly in the online questionnaire. An individual evaluation of your profile helps you discover and reflect on your life motives.
- The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a scientifically based method.
- Find out who you are and what drives you.
- Make better decisions based on your intrinsic motivation.
- Get to know yourself better and thereby live your individuality.
- Achieve and increase fit with other people and your environment.