The RMP offers consultants, trainers and coachesperspectives that no other instrument provides in this differentiation. The mix of
- Scientificity (the Reiss Motivation Profile® is a valid test instrument),
- practicability in application, -
- coupled with an exceptionally useful view of the client's personality, values and the behavior corresponding to them
help people have "aha" experiences that ultimately enable learning and initiate desired changes.
In this way, additional support is made possible for the clients, since learning processes are made cognitively understandable. At the same time, they are offered a starting point where solutions become apparent. The Reiss Motivation Profile®is an instrument that often helps to gain new insights and thus enables quick and long-term solutions, especially in consulting or in the accompaniment of conflicts in organizations.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® personality profile is easy to understand with simultaneous depth of information. The insight into the motivessupports the quick personal "location determination" of the client.
We worked as a team with the RMP. In our endless discussions, I had never noticed that our differences made it so difficult to turn even simple decisions into endless loops of discussion. When our coach came up with the idea of showing us where we had similarities, but also where we had serious differences, you could really feel the whole team take a breath. We are indeed very heterogeneous, we knew that, but in the meantime our professional discourses had visibly turned into personal conflicts - almost a little childish. Some felt that their ideas would always be criticized by some. Others felt that it was impossible to have a discussion in this team if everyone reacted in an offended manner. Today we know our motives, and we can even appreciate one or two differences. Each and every one of us wanted to use the profile in our own family right away - that's where some exciting insights came in.
Recognizing and understanding your own personality with the Reiss Motivation Profile® online
The Reiss Motivation Profile®sheds light on the 16 life motivesthat determine our lives. They are deeply rooted in each of us and provide information about what drives and motivates us at our core.
- Who am I?
- What distinguishes my personality?
- Why am I the way I am?
- Why do I react like this in certain situations?
- Why are some things so important to me and others not?
Find out who you are - with the Reiss Motivation Profile®.
Buy the Reiss Motivation Profile® and answer the 128 questions directly in the online questionnaire. An individual evaluation of your profile helps you discover and reflect on your life motives.
- The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a scientifically based method.
- Find out who you are and what drives you.
- Make better decisions based on your intrinsic motivation.
- Get to know yourself better and thereby live your individuality.
- Achieve and increase fit with other people and your environment.