Everyone has their own special aspirations when it comes to their career. But companies also have certain career paths that they define -and in addition, their own corporate culture that influences people in their work and activities. That's why it's important to keep an eye out when choosing a career! The Reiss Motivation Profile®helps us to take the right path and to look at both perspectives of career.
What we want -Who we are
Whether you'rea school leaver or a university graduate, whether you want to change jobs or completely reorient yourself, everyone has career goals. In line with these, numerous applications are sent off and interviews are held. However, whether the career plan really works out in this way only becomes apparent in the course of the job.
If the company does not play along ...
People who want to change jobs or reorient themselves have often had a bad experience with the company they previously worked for. This may have ledto conflicts with the team, among other things. However, it is often also the corporate culture in which the employees cannot find themselves. Let's look at this with a practical example: Someone applies for the same position in different companies. If he now lands in a public company, he will find clear structures that he can follow. This is very helpful for some people, but others need more freedom and feel very restricted here. That's why you should think carefully in advance about which companies and cultures appeal to you and can also fulfill your own wishes and ideas.
Personality versus career aspirations
However, it is not always the fault of the company if the job does not meet one's expectations. Often it's also down to the people themselves, because they misjudge themselves. Here is another example: People who have a high status motive like to opt for management positions. Their position in society and their own reputation are very important to them. But if, according to their Reiss Motivation Profile®, they now have a low power expression, they may have problems with their leadership activities in the future. Because power here means: Influence, performance orientation and the strengthto make important decisions. These are all factors that a leader should definitely have. If these are not present, one should reconsider one's career aspirations.
The person who looks at the company and the job description in advance and compares them with his or her own personality is therefore well advised. In this way, not only environmental factors can be integrated into the decision, but also individual motives.
Recognizing and understanding your own personality with the Reiss Motivation Profile® online
The Reiss Motivation Profile®sheds light on the 16 life motivesthat determine our lives. They are deeply rooted in each of us and provide information about what drives and motivates us at our core.
- Who am I?
- What distinguishes my personality?
- Why am I the way I am?
- Why do I react like this in certain situations?
- Why are some things so important to me and others not?
Find out who you are - with the Reiss Motivation Profile®.
Buy the Reiss Motivation Profile® and answer the 128 questions directly in the online questionnaire. An individual evaluation of your profile helps you discover and reflect on your life motives.
- The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a scientifically based method.
- Find out who you are and what drives you.
- Make better decisions based on your intrinsic motivation.
- Get to know yourself better and thereby live your individuality.
- Achieve and increase fit with other people and your environment.